Player Info
The Player Info page displays information about a unique player on your FiveM RP server!
Last updated
The Player Info page displays information about a unique player on your FiveM RP server!
Last updated
The Player Info page uses the View Meta permission to grant the user access to the page. This is a sensitive permission to give and could be abused. Please take caution.
Name - The CFX name of the unique player
License - The Rockstar License of the unique player
License2 - The Rockstar License2 of the unique player
Discord ID - The Discord User ID of the unique player
We hope to add a way to screeenshot the players screen in the near future! Stay tuned!
Visionary also works with TxAdmin to display any existing bans that you may have in place!
Visionary displays all recent Staff Actions for the player in a table. This includes all Bans, Warnings, and Kicks that the player has incurred.
Visionary also displays every recent disconnection for the player.
A table of all characters owned by the player including some quick statistics like Cash, Bank, Play Time, Last Active, and Citizen ID.
Logs associated with the player will be shown in the Player Logs section.