Role Permissions
We've designed a variety of role permissions, enabling Server Owners to grant access only to what they choose!
These are incredibly dangerous permissions to grant! Administrative Permissions can be abused. Please use caution.
Manage Administrators - The ability to add or remove Server Administrators and change roles
Manage Server Roles - The ability to add or remove server roles
Change Server Settings - The ability to access the Server Settings page and modify Server Settings
User Management
Ban Players - The ability to ban players using Visionary
Kick Players - The ability to kick players from the FiveM RP server
Warn Players - The ability to warn active players on your FiveM RP server
View Whitelist - The ability to view Whitelist Applications using Visionary
Approve/Deny Whitelist - The ability to approve or deny Whitelist Applications using Visionary
Edit Whitelist Application - The ability to edit or remove whitelist application questions
Post Announcements - The ability to post announcements to the Server Profile page
Edit Announcements - The ability to edit announcements on the Server Profile page
Delete Announcements - The ability to delete announcements on the Server Profile page
Game Management
Manage Gangs - The ability to add and manage gangs using Visionary
Manage Businesses - The ability to add and manage businesses using Visionary
Add/Remove Items - The ability toa dd and remove items from the Character Info page
Add/Remove Money - The ability to add and remove money from the Character Info page
Delete Vehicles - The ability to delete vehicles from the FiveM Database
Access Live Map - The ability to access the Live Map page
View Meta - The ability to view metagame information such as Character Information, Player Information, Frivolities, etc.
View Logs - The ability to view Visionary Logs
View Recent Disconnections - The ability to view recent disconnections from your FiveM RP server
View Recent Deaths - The ability to view Recent Deaths from your FiveM RP server
Last updated